Saturday, June 18, 2011

Hello! And goodbye...

...or at least, may I direct your attention please to my new/current blog. It is time, I think, to make this one's defunct status official.

Woolly Thoughts is not, despite the name, a knitting blog. It does have knitty content though, and the archives of the shop blog. I can't promise it will be very entertaining or frequently updated, but that is now my most comfortable home on the web. (There is also of course the sprog blog, but that has a pretty specific function. New blog should be relatively free of babbypics and maternal gushing.) Oh, and I'm also on Twitter and Pinterest – woollythinker on both.

I do sort of wish I could have just one blog and online identity and stick to it. This flapping around is a bit silly. But it seems to be my way.