Friday, December 02, 2005

Things to do in December

1. Rub my sister's incubating belly. Meet my nephew and godson for the second time.

2. Talk to much missed old friends. And talk some more. And some more. And have another drink. And keep talking. And see more friends. And so on.

3. Spend five days in the glorious African mountains, lolling by the pool, gazing out over valleys, watching wild animals, doing very little that can't be done with a cocktail in my hand.

4. Reassure myself that Cape Town is still there. Bask in its glory.

5. Eat my own body weight in seafood, at a stunning open air beach restaurant, over the course of a mellow and champagne-fuelled afternoon, for about the price of a pizza here in the Big Smoke.

6. Walk in the forests. Walk on the beaches. Wonder why I ever left.

7. Picnic in Kirstenbosch with waatlemoenkonfyt and Simonsberg camembert with green peppercorns.

8. Long evenings with glorious Cape wines, food* and friends, under the Constantia trees or overlooking the sea.

9. After three weeks of this, get back to London, and let my cats console me.

...Things I won't be doing in December:

1. Selling any more needles. But that's okay. We've done remarkably well so far. *happy glow* Roll on January...

2. Reading Tis the Season. More's the pity. You don't have to share my pain, though. Go forth and giggle!

* Yes, it's ridiculous how much I'm looking forward to the food. Sorry, but SA restaurants are just so much better than in London. Really. Also, Simonsberg cheese, and konfyt. Mmmmmm.


greg said...

thankyouthankyouthankyou for the Tis reminder

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I have a strong sense of duty that way.

ThePurpleOwl said...

See! See! I was right about the food...

I usually have a strict policy of not offering Xmas wishes until after my birthday, but what the hell: happy silly season, Scroob.

Please eat something wonderful and exotic on my behalf.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Whereas I've had precisely two white Christmasses in my life. One was in Switzerland; the other in Johannesburg. Where it hailed on Boxing Day. White, definitely, but not exactly what Bing had in mind...

I'll be back in London before Christmas, actually. Though it probably still won't be snowing. *sigh*

virtualkathy said...

Yes, please eat something fabulous for me, too. And say hello to Kirstenbosch.
I'm jealous. Postively green.
But: we did have snow today! Quite unusual for Seattle, and especially for a child of SA. Yay, snow!
Have a fabulous trip.

J Incarnate said...

In Africa, are Christmas trees of a different plant species than the ones here?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Not long enough. But glad you missed me!

Jedith, if you're still around after my extended break, they're the same old pine. Christmas in SA is very much the same as up north - pine trees, presents, gaudy lights, far too much food - it just makes a lot less sense. (See how you feel after feasting on turkey with two stuffings, ham, Christmas pud and brandy cream in 30-degree heat!)

Everymoment, I think I can safely guarantee that I ate something fabulous for you, and your husband, and your two children, and your neighbours, and your neighbours' children... one day maybe I'll fit into my shorts again. One day. *looks hopeful*