Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Calling MT geeks

Right, the first in a possibly infinite series of stupid Movable Type questions. (I could figure it out slowly, or I could ask for help. I'm asking.)

1. How to change the wording of "X comments" to something cooler?
2. How to post pictures?

Your help appreciated. Assume I know nothing whatsoever about The Internets.


Bill C said...

You want Omar "MT" Phillips for answers to such questions.

omar said...

1) I wish there was a quick answer. In your main index template, you just have to dig for the word "Comments." It's somewhere between the MTIfCommentsActive and /MTIfCommentsActive tags, if that helps at all.

2) There's a little linky thing on the sidebar when you're logged into your Movable Type account, it says "Upload File." Hit "browse" to choose the file. If you want it to go anywhere other than the root of your site (as in, putting it in a sub-directory), you have to specify the name of the sub-directory in the "choose a destination" section. When you click "upload," it then asks you if you want to create a new entry using the uploaded file, or if you just want it to display the HTML code that you would need to copy and paste into your new entry. It also makes you choose if you want the image to be embedded in the post, or if you want it to be a text link that will pop up the image in a new window when clicked.

Email me if it's not working and/or making sense! My fee for help is quite reasonable.

Bill C said...

And now I suppose you'll want Wiley T. Curmudgeon for answer translations.

I'm kidding of course. Omar - that's remarkably clear, considering there aren't any "simple" answers. You should think about doubling your fee.