Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Reflections on a girls' night out

1. I bowl the way I sing karaoke: with passion, conviction, and a distressing absence of accuracy. Which is more painful for innocent bystanders depends largely on whether I drop the ball.

2. Every CD collection should have a karaoke shelf: music you don't necessarily want to listen to, but that brings out the warbler in you. This is where you'll find Power Pop Anthems, the Jungle Book soundtrack, Grease and Billy Joel's greatest hits*. All together now: "I YAMMMMM... an innocent MAAAANN..."

3. Starmadeshadow is a lousy steenking liar. "Never bowled before", my eye. All that shifty mumbling about "it's physics, see" wasn't fooling anyone, missy. I mean, I'm as fond of Newton's laws of motion as the next prematurely senile arts graduate who's forgotten most of high school science, but they never helped me in any endeavour requiring physical co-ordination.**

4. As long as you keep the mic away from them,**** there is a definite benefit to having opera singers in a karaoke room. Someone's gotta hit the high notes and it won't be me. Or the low notes, either. Or any of the notes in between.

* Polite readers will not enquire as to how many of these I actually own, even before having formulated the Karaoke Principle. Or how many of them I do sometimes want to listen to.
** Although I'm not as bad as P seemed to think, with her anxiety that the ball was going to go flying off behind me...***
*** I wish I was making that up, but I'm not.
**** To give the rest of us a chance and spare our vanity. Not because they're limelight-hogging divas. Honest.


Anonymous said...

My first attempts at karaoke were in a crowded little pub with two girls, singing "Bohemian Rhapsody." You can imagine how awful that was.

But I like bowling, and actually aren't too bad.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of nights out, and in: Thank you, both, for a delicious dinner and a delightful evening on Friday. Good food and good company - the very way to put the working week to rest.

Incidentally, I've just noticed that you're the #1 Google hit for "Scroobious", putting Edward Lear in second place. I guess this means you've not only taken over his word, but pretty much redefined it. Something about knitting, and footnotes...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

How pleasant to beat Mr Lear, who has written such volumes of stuff. Bit unfair, though.

Also: you're most welcome, it were delightful indeed. Also: how strange that blog commenting appears to be replacing email/text/phone calls as personal communication medium! (That's not a complaint.)

Also, to pink: *hatches social plans involving heavy balls and no karaoke*

Anonymous said...

Yay! As much as I can manage karaoke when I've had a few drinks, I far prefer flinging large balls around.

glo said...

I'm not sure I'd ever want to karaoke. But I do have to admit to a wonderful fantasy after I'd broken up with one of the many ex-loves wherein I went to the karaoke bar I'd had to sit at so many hours and sang just one totally pointed and bitchy song for his benefit alone.

I got over that and moved on instead.