Tuesday, June 26, 2007

What I Did At The Weekend, by Scroobious Scrivener, age 31 and 1/4

This weekend my mother and my husband and me went to visit my aunt and my cousins up in Yorkshire. It was gr8. My cousins have all grown up and are looking really pretty and cool. I like them. My aunt is really nice, much more fun than my mum. She drove us all over, to a place called Robin Hood Bay and another one called Beck Hole and we got out and walked around and explored the forests and rivers and picked up stones and walked across lots of squishy seaweed, yuck, and then we drove some more and ate snacks. We ate pizza and chips for supper. Also we took my mum clothes shopping because her wardrobe is a Disaster she says, so we found lots of lovely new things to wear so she doesn't look such a Fright.

Then we wanted to come home but it was raining, oh boy oh boy, it was raining SO MUCH we got really wet while we were shopping, our train was late but we got on anyway and then the conductor told us we would have to get off at Hull and find out what to do next. But at Hull they said no trains to London today lady, oh noez! So we thought we would have to go back on the next train to Beverley to my aunt (but her name's not Beverley that's the town where she lives) but then I had this REALLY BRILLIANT IDEA and I went to the nice Hertz man but he said no way, we have no cars today, try Europcar, but Europcar had no cars also, but then the Hertz man showed how reallyreally nice he was cos he said would you like a dirty car? I thought he was maybe being funny but no he had a car after all! I don't know why he called it dirty it was reallyreally clean and also quite a nice car, it was big and solid which was gr8 bcoz we had to drive through lots of huge big puddles. We had to drive through one place where the road was TWO FEET UNDER WATER and the trucks looked like they were swimming thru lol. But we were fine cos my husband's a really good driver and after that it was easy anyway and we got to London really quickly, well sort of, and my cats were really happy to see us so yay. And then I heard that the motorway had been closed off after we came through so we were really lucky I said.

The End.


Anonymous said...

lolzorz, i like ur words, u r well gud at writin for ur age!!1

glo said...

That was a nice Hertz man. I can't believe he gave you a car in that kind of weather!