Thursday, July 26, 2007

Adventures in online shopping

I've been getting a bit spendy lately. Inadvisable, but never mind. One of the lovely treats the postie brought me this week was a Top Deck flavoured dildo.

Made you look.

All right, all right, it's a nostepinde. The rest of my shopping has also been largely knitting-related, so I won't bore you with it.


*swings feet idly, staring into the middle distance*

Look, it's only fair to remind you, I'm not doing very much that's interesting these days. Which means I don't have much to write about either. When I do have stuff to write, and time to write it for that matter, it's generally of the woolly persuasion; so it goes on over at the cafe. But even that's been pretty dry. I'm just saying.


firstfallen said...

It's your blog, you know, you can post about your favorite hobby any time you want to. I am always interested in reading about knitting. I am a boring knitter, mainly small jerseys, so anything else is exciting! What does that dildo thing do, anyway?k3rrig4n

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well, mostly I keep the knitting stuff for blogging on Purlescence, otherwise it's just duplication. And sadly most of my readers here don't quite get the thrill of being able to knit two socks at once. Go figure. The dildo is for winding hanks into balls - with a little practice, apparently, one can create very neat little yarn cakes without the fuss of a ball winder and swift. Well, so far this one can't, but I have hopes that practice will make all the difference.

X said...

This is going to be the weirdest question ever, but did you get a phone call from a telemarketer at a phone company today?


ScroobiousScrivener said...

X, I wasn't ignoring you, I'm just not seeing my comments on time these days. And, um... I have no idea. I might have done. I no longer remember. I don't think so.

And it is a very weird question, and why do you ask? Are you moonlighting as a telemarketer, and thinking you recognised my distinctive cadences?