Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The toast was apparently a really important part of the advice-giving process

My subconscious appears to be developing a new level of maturity... or something. You know those dreams where you're about to sit exams and you realise you haven't prepared, or really even attended class all year? Yeah. Those. Well, mine tend to have a certain consistency and vague connection to my real life. So, instead of the simple "oh crap I somehow forgot I was taking this class", it becomes "oh crap I really meant to actually take this class but instead there's that running a business thing and that having a baby thing and it all sort of got in the way a bit".

So in last night's dream I got a bit proactive about this. Sort of. I reached the mature conclusion that I was obviously not going to graduate this year, so I should see what I could do about rearranging my classes and focusing on just one or two for now and picking up more next year, seeing if I couldn't get some credit for previous studies, and getting a bit realistic about what I actually wanted to study, I mean maths and physics are CLEARLY not my thing...

And of course I went to see extemporanea for a spot of curriculum advice. Naturally. I was actually quite relieved that I happened to know the adviser person, as that made me feel a bit more comfortable with the whole "yeah, I screwed up" bit, even as I was begging her not to laugh as I revealed that I'd even signed up to maths and physics in the first place. It was quite a pleasant chat. I was interested to note that she seemed to have an assistant whose job consisted entirely of preparing toast.

What remains to be explained, however, is what I was doing majoring in English and economics for yet another Bachelor's degree, considering I already have a degree in each of those. In that light, maths and physics would almost have made more sense.


extemporanea said...

Good lord. I'm sorry my reports of curriculum woes should have penetrated your dreams, there are far more exciting things to dream about. (Like, in fact, Nathan Fillion). I would love to have an assistant to make me toast. Shall propose it to the Dean forthwith.

Maths and Physics are no more absurd than some of the things I've seen students trying to do on no provocation at all...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Nathan Fillion would indeed be more exciting, but this was really an upgrade on the usual exam stress dream. (I mean, there was friendly chat, and toast, and a general sense of Dealing With Problems.) So thanks for that!