Tuesday, September 12, 2006


I'm sorry. No. I am not going to replace my coffee habit with a tea habit. Nuh uh. I love tea, but somehow tea in the office *always* tastes disgusting. I don't know why. So I'm going to have to find another way to manage my coffee problem. (It's a problem when you get withdrawal headaches all weekend. All four days of your weekend. Because you drink coffee for just the three days in the office. I'll leave you to figure out just how much coffee I must be drinking in those three days to have this effect.)

In other news:

...oh. I have no news. All work and no play makes Scroobious a very dull blogger.

Look, don't complain too loudly or I'll start talking about knitting.

Look! Fluffball!


Anonymous said...

Weird, I'm very similar - I drink tea at home only and coffee at work only. It's a mental thing, as well as a taste thing, I think.

Sarah Cate said...

After lots of advice that I needed to give up my latte habit - anxiety, health issues, etc. - I finally replaced the espresso latte with green tea lattes. Actually quite good. And I definitely feel healthier.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Green tea lattes?! So very wrong.

Anonymous said...

Fluffball! So very right :)
