Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Slave to the meme

Luckily it's just a quickie.

"There have come fogs, too — yellow fogs and brown fogs, and fogs so black they might be liquid soot — fogs that seem to rise from the pavements as if brewed in the sewers in diabolical engines. They stain our clothes, they fill our lungs and make us cough, they press against our windows — if you watch, in a certain light, you may see them seeping into the house through the ill-fitting sashes. We are driven into evening darkness now, at three or four o'clock, and when Vigers lights the lamps the flames are choked, and burn quite dim."

Well, it was supposed to be quick. Dang, Sarah Waters writes long sentences.

That's from Affinity, and it's actually page 125. Because p123 is entirely taken up with "Part Two".

So here's how it is: you grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 123, go down five sentences (note to RaJ: "scrolling" down five sentences only works for your eBook, not so much with treeware), type out the next three for our reading pleasure.

Then you tag three people. Always with the viral stuff, these memes. Thing is, though, there surely aren't three people reading this. So: you! Gosh, thanks. (I would really like one of those three to be Extemporanea, because I'm sure she's got something fascinating at her elbow, and one to be Starmadeshadow, because I'm hoping for a little microeconomic edification. Oh yes. Hey, if Strawberryfrog is out there, you'll come up with something fun too, won't you?)


Sarah Cate said...

Wow, that's a lot of fog.

Bill C said...

Okay what if your book happened to be a scroll, hmm? Some people still use those I think.

Truth be told, I agree with you. But my tagger Chris used 'scroll,' as did the random yak before him. Plus I've found so-called "original thinking" gets me in trouble so I avoid same whenever possible.

*adds 'treeware' to personal vocabulary*

As for the meme, I like the way yours turned out. But how would you have handled a footnote in the target block? Would that be like, a bonus sentence?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Damn. Now I'm cross I didn't have a footnote. Why wasn't Pratchett to hand, whywhywhy?

(Er, bonus sentence, definitely.)

ThePurpleOwl said...

I *love* Sarah Waters. Even with all that fog. No, maybe *because* of all the fog... it adds to the mysterious allure.