Friday, February 22, 2008

Things that are Wrong with this week

1) Beloved is on night shift. That's just always Wrong. (And messes with my own sleep patterns.)

2) I had to get up at 6.30am yesterday to pack orders. Again, Wrong. I'm not complaining about the orders themselves, obv - they are coming in thick and fast and if they weren't I'd be in trouble - but still... that is a Wrong time of day.

3) On Monday, I undertook my first ever business trip. Now, I've always wanted to have a job that required me to travel. I know that it frequently sucks, involving Wrong times of day and so on, but it also takes you to see cool places for free, right? Well. My first business trip. And it was (a) to Birmingham, (b) paid for by me, and (c) did I mention to *Birmingham*? Actually, not even that. It was to the NEC. Which is basically An Airport (even though I got there by train) and could have been anywhere in the whole world as long as that somewhere is depressing.

I did make a point of travelling into town proper, though, because I'm sad enough to want to see the snakeskin spaceship, as absolutely nobody calls it. (Selfridges, I mean.)

Anyway. Spending £60 of my own money and hours of my own time - with a cold - to go to Birmingham. Wrong.

4. It's past midnight and I'm not in bed yet. Because I haven't quite got around to going to bed. Because then I'll just go to sleep and wake up and have to do far too much work again, just like every other day. Wrong. Of me. Very, very, very stupid. Well.

5. Having completed the entire back and side front of a jacket I'm knitting, I decided I'd got the size completely wrong and must start again. Because I just have sooo much time to knit, it's fun to waste it doing everything Wrong.

6. On telling Beloved the above, he said: "That's why you never get anywhere. You keep on doing everything wrong and starting again." He was on the other end of a phone line so I couldn't hit him. WRONG.

On the other hand. Have a little comic relief.


Anonymous said...

Ummm. Hugs? At least there will be cocktails and knitting over the weekend.

Oddly enough, my first business trip was to Birmingham. And I paid for it.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ok, you're going to have to explain to me tomorrow what you were doing paying for a business trip when you don't own a business. Yay cocktails! Oh, and yarn and stuff. Eh. Cocktails!

(You know I'm out of sorts when...)

Also, further Wrongness: how could I not notice my inconsistent list punctuation? Shocking. Simply shocking.

Anonymous said...

I think my first business trip (for my employer's business, not mine), was to California or Florida, at their expense. Unless interviews for a contractor position count as own business trips, in which case it was probably Slough.


Anonymous said...

My business trips are all to gruesomely boring places, like Aylesbury and Aldershot. On Monday I have to go to Chesterfield. At least I don't have to pay - well, financially.