Thursday, September 14, 2006

Good news, bad news

Good news: "At this year's fashion week, models as thin as Esther Canadas will be offered medical treatment."

Bad news: recent warm weather means more spiders around.* Ewwwww.

How weird is it that the good news comes from the fashion world?**

* No link yet, I just saw this on the BBC and can't find any online stories.
** In other good fashion news, I've been tempted to blog a little about how happy I am that tops are finally longer, but try as I might I can't find a way to make that interesting.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I had to take a spider out of the bath a few days ago, where it was hiding from the heat. I shuddered a little.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I was shocked (shocked!) by a huge spider* scampering at speed across the lounge floor towards my seat t'other day. Very unpleasant. I reminded myself that my feet were already on the couch, and spidey *probably* wasn't going to run up the wall behind me and leap onto my neck. Probably.

* By UK standards. Obviously not a patch on good old rain spiders. If it had been one of them, I would have run screaming into the night.

X said...

We've had spiders all over the place here. There was one that decided that it was a good idea to board over our back door with its web. Much as I don't like to disturb animals, I had to remove the web because, quite frankly, it was taking the piss.

Also, good for the fashion people. I hate the skinny models, or "bags of antlers" as my brother calls them.


Anonymous said...

Were you aware of this?

extemporanea said...

I had exactly the same thought about long tops - went shopping the other day, and they're all labelled "Extra Long." The happy! A season in which we will not have to flinch from unwisely-bared rolls of stomach flesh, on ourselves or anyone else...