Thursday, July 26, 2007

Adventures in online shopping

I've been getting a bit spendy lately. Inadvisable, but never mind. One of the lovely treats the postie brought me this week was a Top Deck flavoured dildo.

Made you look.

All right, all right, it's a nostepinde. The rest of my shopping has also been largely knitting-related, so I won't bore you with it.


*swings feet idly, staring into the middle distance*

Look, it's only fair to remind you, I'm not doing very much that's interesting these days. Which means I don't have much to write about either. When I do have stuff to write, and time to write it for that matter, it's generally of the woolly persuasion; so it goes on over at the cafe. But even that's been pretty dry. I'm just saying.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

This five-day week thing is totally impractical, it'll never catch on.

After an extended period of houseguests and excessive work, I find myself contemplating such a very intimidatingly large mountain of catching up, I'm overwhelmed at the mere thought and want to go and have a little lie-down. The only thing keeping me at my desk right now is the presence of my cleaner. I'm sure she wouldn't care if I took a nap instead of working, but I feel ashamed. So there you go: another great reason to fork out £20 a week for clean carpets - greater productivity, less procrastination.

Meanwhile: how about that rain, eh? I've actually been rather enjoying it - at least it cuts the humidity, and plus, it sounds nice at night - but there's no denying it's getting a bit biblical. The whole notion of a rain-free day is starting to sound like a comforting fiction we tell the kiddies. There's just two big problems with this situation. One: laundry. If I hang it out, it gets rained on; if I hang it inside, it takes days to dry and ends up smelling rather mufty. Two, and obviously far more important: wardrobe. My black boots died at the end of the winter, and of course I expected not to have to replace them till autumn. So here I am with a range of footwear consisting almost exclusively of sandals and suede. Neither of which are particularly well suited to the present diluvian conditions. And you'd be amazed how one's entire outfit can be constrained by the absence of appropriate shoes. Women, let this be a lesson to you: stock up on boots and shoes at every opportunity. You never know when you'll need them.*

Hey, you know what you can do when it's raining and you're bored? Or procrastinating? You can play on The Internet! Isn't that a great idea?

* Also, Irregular Choice are offering free shipping during July...

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Somehow I made it through

Two and a half weeks of visit later, matricide has been averted. Always a good thing. Of course it's always possible she'll be murdered by one of the airline crew on the way back home, but for that I cannot possibly be held responsible.

Still to be determined is whether - as it appeared this morning - she has in fact resurrected the previously slain technojinx. The one that started all the rebooting and loss of data and bollocks that led to the inauguration of a certain whiny blog (which I'm pleased to say I've not felt driven to use since). This morning, it showed up again. She claims to have put it back in its grave at some point in the past 9 hours... but I'm not yet convinced. Note to self: do not let notoriously unreliable and creatively destructive* mothers touch your computer. Ever. *Especially* if she wants to "help".

* Definitely not an oxymoron.