Thursday, January 10, 2008

Technojinx humour

Tonight we launch our very so special, widely anticipated, enormously exciting and potentialistic* Yarn Department.

Tonight our server appears to be down.


* Now is NOT the time to wonder aloud whether I know that's not a real word, mmmkay?


firstfallen said...

Mmmm, that yarn is delicious. It makes me want to knit socks and laceweight stuff, especially the seaweed yarn! And the camel yarn! Is there 100% seaweed yarn, I wonder? I'm leaning toward non-animal fibres (mmm, bamboo).

I will definitely be fondling your yarn when we're there in August.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

There is no pure seaweed yarn. It's pretty much always combined with silk, and I don't think it's ever more than 30%. There is of course pure milk, pure maize, pure bamboo... possibly pure soya, though that might also be a mix-only.

In August, there will hopefully be much more to fondle. Including milk. And more seaweed. And bamboo.