Friday, February 06, 2009

Excuse me ma'am, do you have a licence to drive that internet?

I really shouldn't be writing this.

It's not nice to laugh at stupid people. And it's *really* not nice to call a customer stupid.


I've received a couple of very irate emails from an American customer, wanting to know why she had been charged $90 instead of $62 for her order. Of course, the order total actually came to £62. It's all down to the miracle of global commerce.

Now, on Ravelry and in email, I have been accused of being "very sneakkkkyyyyyy" and of practising deception on my poor unsuspecting customers by not spelling out that my BRITISH site uses BRITISH currency. I am not sure exactly how much more spelling out is required. Consider:
- the domain name ends in - I even put that in my online ads, to make it clearer for forruners who might happen to see the ads
- all prices everywhere, including order totals etc, are clearly marked with a £ symbol
- foreign addresses at checkout trigger the options to choose between "international airmail" and "international surface mail"
- etc, etc, etc...

So I was a little bit gobsmacked. However, there are more clues that this poor woman is - shall we say - a few stitches short of a sock. Consider:
- her Rav name includes a misspelled version of a word meaning insane
- she claims she was cheated out of $40 (90 minus 62? Hm)
- the best part? She is furious that my evil, scheming, deceptive shop did not show that the prices were in "England dollars".

So HA HA HAAAAA. You're stupid. I win.

(Man, my tolerance levels have just gone right down the tube since getting knocked up...)


jill said...

On behalf of my country, I apologize for yet another dumbfuck Yank.

Our fair shores aren't as filthy with them as it seems - they just have these ingenious ways of getting themselves noticed...

jill said...

God help me, Scroob, but I got curious and went and found the discussion in question.

Her comment, "Not every one in America knows what your symbol means" (which I replied to) was simply the last word in "Well, the US is the biggest and the best and the entire world just needs to revolve around us" bullshit.

Excuse me while I go sit in the corner, rock, and eat my own hair.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I'm afraid she is doing her best to make me think ill of the US education system. She claims that "not every American knows your symbol" (meaning £).

...oh I see you found that... thanks for your contribution. :-)

But weirdly, she has also now publicly said that she's happy with my service, despite the "cost mix-up". So I'm a little soothed. Though still... puzzled.

Anyway, The Stupid are everywhere. It's just that there's so *many* of you Yanks, the crazy ones do make their presence felt...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

...tasty hair?

jill said...

Well our Stupid seem to have this notion that Big + Powerful = Correct.

"Our country is so massive! Therefore other countries should cater to MEEEEEEEE."

Gee, thanks - great citizen ambassador you are, jackass.

It is right to be puzzled by the severely stupid. To be otherwise makes one query one's own mental acuity.

Had I given free reign to my contribution, instead of just saying that it was clearly not a US $ sign, I would probably have added:

"So, this leads me to believe one of a few things: 1. You think this is an exotic new way of indicating US currency, but are too lazy to check, 2. You absolutely didn't notice this odd symbol with which you have no experience, and therefore lack the visual acuity required to drive an automobile: I suggest turning in your license if you have one, 3. You believe that the Internet is not global, a notion disproven by its alternate title of "World Wide Web," or 4. You have some quaint idea that the world should cater to Americans in special ways, such as designing their sites so that they contain the equivalent of training wheels so dumb fucks like you can't fall off and hurt yourselves."

I don't think any of this would be useful, however, except as it would vent my spleen and possibly make you giggle.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

It made me giggle here. So thanks!

jill said...

always glad to bring the smiles!

omar said...

Speaking of getting knocked up, how's that going? Pretty soon for the next phase of that plan, right?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

4 weeks! Aieeee!

Unknown said...

Possibly a silly observation, but does she know that *you* didn't take the difference? It's not sneaky of *you* to be evilly trading in forn currency, you don't make the profit she thinks you've taken. Honestly, what a temper tantrum... mutual rolling of eyes ;-)

jill said...

Cara Faye, I have reason to believe that the woman wasn't aware that there is something other than US currency, and if she is, she doesn't have the brain cells required to understand how exchange rates function.

I only stopped by to say, "Hey Scroob - there's worse out there!"

ScroobiousScrivener said...