Saturday, May 16, 2009

Let not eBay's left hand know what eBay's right hand is doing

So I try to sign into my eBay account, but apparently my password - the same password I've been using quite a lot lately, bidding on baby stuff - is incorrect. So I try to reset.
I get an email with a link. I click the link. It wants my username. I enter it.
It tells me that is an invalid username.
I check it. I check the username in the eBay email, just to be sure. It's definitely the right username.
I copy/paste the username from that email.
Still invalid.
I click on "Get help". It is not helpful.
I enter eBay as a guest so I can look for more help. I click "contact us".
It bumps me back to the login page. I guess only eBay members are allowed to contact eBay.
I am an eBay member. I am currently bidding on a number of items, in fact. I know perfectly well what my username is, and I'm pretty sure of my password too, but eBay doesn't believe me. Even though its own emails use that name.



Andrew said...

Similar thing happened with Iza's gmail account. After trying several ways of getting the Behemoth to take remedial action, or even to notice us, we gave up and now she uses yahoo email.

Harder to walk away when it's an eBay profile. Can your Beloved log in and use the contact page to ask for general advice as to what you should do?

Good luck...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I've managed to get to the contact page and submit a query. Let's see how far that gets me.

*steams quietly*

I'd be quite happy to just form a new eBay account, except that I do happen to be bidding on stuff right now. Tiresome.

Reggie said...

Isn't it scary when that happens? It makes one doubt one's own sanity, if one's online identity is suddenly called into question like that.

I've also had those moments, e.g. when Standard Bank suddenly froze my credit card, because **they** had lost my stupid FICA documentation [which proves to them that I exist and where I live] but didn't bother telling me.

It's not just acutely embarassing when you've packed a trolley full into shopping bags, and then can't pay for anything... but also a serious inconvenience when you end up wasting days and days trying to sort THEIR mess out.

It reminds me a little of the Bourne Identity / Supremacy movies, where your whole profile (name, id number, social security number, date of birth, bank account details...) is suddenly inaccessible, and information is changed by 'the bad guys'.

No wonder paranoia rules.