Saturday, October 31, 2009

It's the baby hormones, they make a person sensitive

I just want to know: has the entire internet been taken over by ads for "1 Rule to a Flat Stomach", or just my corner of it?

Srsly. Practically every page I visit has some variation on the same ad. In these days of Google Adsense, it's hard not to take this personally.

ETA: Wow. Apparently ads really are targeted now based on recent pages wot I have visited, and such, and so this really must be personal. I am feeling somewhat harassed. Also: okay so I'm a new mommy and so have flabbage, but what part of my internet activity makes them believe I am actually going to believe I can shed twice Elfbaby's weight in stomach fat alone in a month? Unless their "1 weird rule" is "GET THEE TO A PLASTIC SURGEON, WOMAN, AND HAVE YOUR JAWS WIRED WHILE YOU'RE AT IT!"

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