Thursday, February 16, 2006

Revealed at last!

Camp Falsehopes: where the talentless get their start.

I read somewhere recently* that one in four American teens believes they are going to be famous. Now, even allowing infamy to fall under the same category as fame; even lowering standards of fame to those embraced by the producers of "Celebrity" Big Brother; even considering the tendency of unreality TV to thrust the hilariously talentless into the limelight for their 15 seconds... surely can't be more than one in five who'll actually make it, right?**

* It's so much better being a blogger than a journalist. Can't be arsed to Google this, and luckily, I don't have to! My unsubstantiated factoids can go unchecked! Ahhh... Camp Falsehopes and Blogger united to reassure me that I can be an incisive social commentator without all that tedious research. Yay me!
** I learned my statistical skills at Camp Falsehopes, too.

1 comment:

Sarah Cate said...

"Adolescent deniology" - I'm going to find a way to use that phrase in conversation today, as is too perfect to leave sitting around on the web - it needs a little real-life walkabout.