Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Ready, set...

So I've finished work for the year. That is, I've done my last day in the office, and I'm near as dammit finished with website work too. I've tackled most of the things on my list (well... sort of most. Most of the urgent ones. About as much as was ever going to get done in the time available), and the panic has subsided. I'm pretty ready to get on a plane in two days, I reckon. Really very ready for a holiday, that's for sure. I have quite a bit of knitting yet to do on the stepmother-in-law's* gift, but that's good, because it gives me a most excellent excuse for not budging from the couch. Or possibly even bed. I have a bit of a cold and am eager to indulge it.

And the weather is very conducive to staying in bed, too. After weeks and weeks of oddly mild weather, suddenly a cold snap. With fog! Not exactly the London pea soup of song and story, but natheless a pretty fair showing. Or lack of showing. Picturesque factor high, visibility factor low. Marvellous. Mar-


They're cancelling flights

Well, at least I have for once invested in travel insurance.

* Modern relationships. So complicated.

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