Saturday, December 22, 2007

Feelin' festive

So it would appear to be Christmas, complete with magical, mythical mist and frost. I've been to see Matthew Bourne's Nutcracker!, I've been ice skating at Kew, and I've kicked off the Christmas dinners (three in two days) with a very enjoyable affair indeed at Pippa's tonight.* I've been given perfume and a polar bear, I've wrapped the few presents I'm giving,** I have posted almost the last of the knitterly rush orders (with two more tomorrow).

We don't have a tree (sacrilege!), but we do have spangly red tulips, which is surely at least as good?

We have stocked up on festive food... possibly more than we are capable of eating this year. I'll get back to you on that. We have also decided on our plan of action for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (it involves Lord of the Rings, all of it,*** and pyjamas, and resolutely unplugged computers).

Everything is looking pretty good.

It's just a shame that the heating's broken again.

* Parties with fun people are even more fun with more fun people. It's so great having Vivaldifan in London.
** Or possibly, I have inveigled Beloved into wrapping them for me.
*** Apart from the extras. That's just crazy.

1 comment:

firstfallen said...

Your polar bear is nice, but not as nice as mine :). My Nanuk is lovely and sweet. I bet yours doesn't scream in the morning for food, though.