Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Alive and laughing

I did not die in childbirth! Here's the proof.

But really I just needed to share two things of great hilarity. First, sloths on the tube.

Second, squirrels in the toilet. Or Weetabix. Or Creme Eggs. Beware!

Now going back underground. Or to put Scrooblet to sleep. Or something.


omar said...

Is it bad that I find it hilarious when babies are startled, and their arms fly up like that? I hope not.

I think it's fair to say that I've never been happier for a family I've never met who lives in England. Thanks for sharing the photos, she's beautiful!

Unknown said...

Hooray! You took your time getting blogging again! :D


ScroobiousScrivener said...

Actually I've been blogging all along - just not here. My mind has been full of baby stuff so I've kept that in the proper place, on the sprog blog. Maybe I'll slowly get back to stuff of wider interest. Maybe not. Who can tell? Right now I am short of online time/energy and am only blogging on demand; believe it or not there are many demands for baby news, so that's where it goes...

Omar, it's not bad, it's the only reasonable reaction. It is *hilarious* when they do that. And thank you. We think she's gorgeous too. :-)

tristan said...

three loud hurrahs and congratulations for the whole team team !