Monday, November 29, 2004

Boredom: not always bad

I did something momentous this weekend. I slew the purple monster. Possibly not as interesting as it sounds, this translates simply as: "I finished knitting a jersey (purple)." (And this is probably as far as anyone should read who doesn't have some interest in the fibre arts; or at least a macabre fascination with the bizarre fact that people really do this.)

But that really doesn't do it justice. It fails spectacularly to capture the significance of putting behind me, for good, the manymanymany hours of frustration and sometimes loathing that went into this jersey. It's not really one jersey, even. Oh, its final manifestation is but one jersey, yes. But it's really three. Or more, depending on how you're counting (I figure the amount of stitching I did, I could have made at least six jerseys, had no pulling out been involved).

[snipsnip: details excised for fear of causing readers to expire]

So anyway - and to the point of the title - I now get to knit something really, really straightforward. A rectangle, in fact. A nice wrap to solve the office aircon problem. (It doesn't work; it's either too cold or too hot, but usually too cold; so you need something handy to bundle over your regular clothes, and cardigans don't always work from a fashion point of view. In fact they don't often work, do they.) I'll be clacking away in proper granny style, on a nice lacy stole. Clack clack clack. I'll start going nuts soon enough - with no shaping to keep me on my toes - but it's a good easy stitch pattern, just busy enough to keep me enjoying it - no plain stocking stitch in sight -without requiring any actual attention. And this is the great part: it's pretty much guaranteed to work. No pulling out here. Happy sighs.

1 comment:

ScroobiousScrivener said...

:) Yeah. The sleeves are popular.

Thanks, babe.