Sunday, November 28, 2004

Party mathematics

1 hour primping (*)
+ 1 hour travelling
+ 40 minutes hobbling in search of the party (**)
+ £10 entry and cash bar
+ very bad drinks (***) in very small glasses
= disappointment.

The music was good, though.

And I did get a cute compliment.
Chap [leans forward, charming smile, good eye contact]: "You have a wonderful decolletage."
Self [returning smile]: "Why thank you!"
Chap [nods happily]: "I really mean it."

For the record, I wasn't wearing anything outrageous. Honest, guv. I might not wear that to work, but I'd wear it to a work party. So.

* 1940s costume doesn't just happen, you know. The hair! The underwear!
** Our inviter and guide, bless her, didn't have a clue where she was going. And her shoes were even more impractical than mine. And her stockings were falling down. Poor lass. I've had nights like that.
*** I'm not that picky. Drinks:good, really. But I really couldn't stomach that wine. How bad does it have to be to get me to give up on a glass of red wine? Pretty darn horrible.

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