Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Your suggestions welcome

You know some days, you just want to throw a king-size strop and sulk all week, for no apparent reason, cos it just sounds like fun?


Well. Bully for you. I'm having one of those days. Cos, you know, it's not FAIR. (Don't ask what. Doesn't matter. Everything. Nothing. Not fair, any of it.)

Also, I don't have a dog.

I have two cats, and cats are my thing, and I love 'em dearly, but I have been overcome with sudden puppy broodiness of late. I think it might be because starmadeshadow mentioned something about a well-fed, sleepy puppy in my presence recently. Or it might be because Rachael has a new border collie who is everything a dog should be. I don't know why; I know it is Not The Time and we can't have dogs for years yet, and that's fine really, my cats are fabulous.

But I want a dog.

Also, I want a beach to walk it on, or at the very least a forest with nice little streams. And I want a house of my own. And a real-world shop so I can sell pretty knitting things without hassles from useless bloody web hosts. And a boat and a pony and a magic wand. And a reallyreally fast metabolism. And a catering size tub of Ben & Jerrys. And a holiday.

Some of these things may be more urgent than others.


Bill C said...

Magic wand first. Might facilitate getting some of the other items. Except for problems with 'useless bloody web hosts' of course; even magic won't help there.

ThePurpleOwl said...

Yes, I DO know, Scroob. And no, it ISN'T fair.

Life. Don't talk to me about life.

(In fact, I am completely the opposite today -- I bought breath-takingly expensive knee-high boots yesterday, and although I am now broke, they make me feel gooo ooo oood.)

Puppy envy (you sound a little 'clucky' to me!) is *perfectly* understandable. It's societally acceptable to go to mooshy pieces over babies... why not over the furry ones too?

I clearly need to get my hands on some of this 'Ben & Jerry's' stuff everybosy's raving about...

Syar said...

I agree with Jam. once you get the wand, everythign will just need a flick and a swish.

sulking = fun. yep, that makes sense to me. strop all you want, Scroob. seems you've earned it. or you can tell people you have before telling them to just leave you alone.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Cool. People understand sulking as leisure activity. I'm pleased to hear it.

Also, I'm over it, because I do sometimes remember I'm a grown-up. And I had (ahem) *some* Ben & Jerry's (yes, Prowl, you really do need to sample the delights thereof) - that'll be the last for a while, though.

I'm not quite over the puppy thing, but hey. One day.

(Please, all, do believe puppies are just puppies. Not a euphemism for babies. Gross.)