Friday, November 17, 2006

I am very busy and important.

I'm still alive. And life is good. Busy. But very good.

First two weeks in the new job have proceeded rapidly through abject terror, to the thrill of realising I can DO this shit, to the enjoyment of getting this shit done, meeting people, talking to people, talking to people in meetings and having them listen (!), etc, all at high speed and — for bonus points — on my first press day, interrupted by a fire in the building, forcing us to complete production from an excitingly bunker-like dungeon office nearby. Drama!

Yes, it's all been very much like scenes from Newspaper! Which isn't yet a farcical terror-in-the-newsroom thrillercom, but it clearly ought to be. Fast talking, chain smoking editors warring with sassy subs, phones ringing, proofs flying, and then — the ominous tendril of smoke rising from the basement. Electrical fire? Or... a seditious plot? Chaos ensues; factions form; it's advertising against art, writers against repro. But at the end of the day, the deadline is met (of course the deadline is met, this is a Newspaper!) and over a pint at The Local, the healing begins.


Anonymous said...

Do you have any plucky reporters too? :-)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

One assumes so, though as a Very Busy and Important employee I have so far only met the higher-up members of Team Obs, not the lowly reporters.

*rolls, floor, laughing*

Ahem. Yes, in Newspaper! it will no doubt be the Plucky Cub Reporter who saves the day, uncovers the fiendish plot, etc, and then is sadly cheated out of the pint s/he so richly deserves by being sent to cover the SPCA meeting,* or something.

* True story: my late Great Uncle Aubrey (his real name, honest), who became something of a pillar of SA media in later life, had to cover the SPCA meeting as a cub. As it happens, a clash of opinions at that meeting saw the event quickly descend into fisticuffs and drama. The most excitement the SPCA had seen in years, one would imagine, and a great opportunity for a reporter. Aubrey, however, didn't file a story. Why not? Because the meeting was called off as a result of the fight, so, "no story"...

Bill C said...

"No story" - oh the irony! Seems like you're maintaining a keen-edged perspective (whatever that means; most likely nothing) on the job, and that's good.

And - template -> gray? Or is it just me?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Template grey. I liked it. Is it hard to read? Any votes?

Anonymous said...

You said deadline. She said deadline, everyone.

Not once, not twice, but THREE times.


Right, I'm off to giggle some more at The Curious Incident of the Dame and the Mince Pie.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Three? Three?! I am missing one. Must I hand in my sub hat?

Oh wait, I'm not officially a sub any more. Woohoo!

(Also, glad you enjoyed the Mince Pie Incident. You should hear about the Groped Bishop some time...)

Anonymous said...

I bow my head in shame - there were indeed only two mentions of that most foul word. This is why I can never be a journalist - I have a laissez faire approach to facts.

Mind you, it's still two mentions too many.

I'm eager to learn more about the holy groping.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Glad it's going swimmingly.
