Saturday, May 05, 2007

Worship and praise!

My husband is a god.

If I'd known what he was going to do, I would have taken before and after photos. But then, if I'd known what he was going to do, I would have felt guilty that I wasn't helping him.*

So you'll just have to take my word for it:
He has created order where there was chaos.
He has faced the beasts of the darkness, and destroyed them.
He has taken an imperfect world and fashioned it anew.

He has — now think hard about all this implies — he has cleaned out the shed.

There were spiders in there. And... and... and stuff. A metric shitload of stuff. And it's all still there, apparently, but magically, there is also space. Space for a lawnmower and two bicycles and at least one person! I seriously don't know how this happened.

I am in awe.

(Also, he has cut the out-of-control bush that was blocking the path to our front door waaaay back. I was really impressed with that, but that was just the entree.)

* No, I wouldn't have actually done any helping. Don't be ridiculous.

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