Sunday, July 22, 2007

This five-day week thing is totally impractical, it'll never catch on.

After an extended period of houseguests and excessive work, I find myself contemplating such a very intimidatingly large mountain of catching up, I'm overwhelmed at the mere thought and want to go and have a little lie-down. The only thing keeping me at my desk right now is the presence of my cleaner. I'm sure she wouldn't care if I took a nap instead of working, but I feel ashamed. So there you go: another great reason to fork out £20 a week for clean carpets - greater productivity, less procrastination.

Meanwhile: how about that rain, eh? I've actually been rather enjoying it - at least it cuts the humidity, and plus, it sounds nice at night - but there's no denying it's getting a bit biblical. The whole notion of a rain-free day is starting to sound like a comforting fiction we tell the kiddies. There's just two big problems with this situation. One: laundry. If I hang it out, it gets rained on; if I hang it inside, it takes days to dry and ends up smelling rather mufty. Two, and obviously far more important: wardrobe. My black boots died at the end of the winter, and of course I expected not to have to replace them till autumn. So here I am with a range of footwear consisting almost exclusively of sandals and suede. Neither of which are particularly well suited to the present diluvian conditions. And you'd be amazed how one's entire outfit can be constrained by the absence of appropriate shoes. Women, let this be a lesson to you: stock up on boots and shoes at every opportunity. You never know when you'll need them.*

Hey, you know what you can do when it's raining and you're bored? Or procrastinating? You can play on The Internet! Isn't that a great idea?

* Also, Irregular Choice are offering free shipping during July...


extemporanea said...

"Diluvian" is a lovely word. So, for that matter, is "mufty".

You seem to have all the winter rain Cape Town doesn't. Jealous.

greg said...

Yes, you can play on the internet. I didn't realise you were this casual about sharing the intimate details of your personal life.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Um, Greg? That's your link, not mine. We'll just sit here looking shocked (or trying to).

Extemp, temper your jealousy with some thought as to exactly what it means to have not seen a properly sunny day since... well. I have no idea when, but let's just say that we went straight from the notoriously grey UK winter to freakishly floody summer. Also, spare a thought for poor Starmade; we're not too far from the Thames ourselves, though sitting nicely on top of a small rise, so I have my own worries about what might happen to the local trains etc.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Also, fyi, Gmail appears to have decided that Blogger comments are spam, and I'm not seeing 'em. Annoying.