Saturday, July 07, 2007

Somehow I made it through

Two and a half weeks of visit later, matricide has been averted. Always a good thing. Of course it's always possible she'll be murdered by one of the airline crew on the way back home, but for that I cannot possibly be held responsible.

Still to be determined is whether - as it appeared this morning - she has in fact resurrected the previously slain technojinx. The one that started all the rebooting and loss of data and bollocks that led to the inauguration of a certain whiny blog (which I'm pleased to say I've not felt driven to use since). This morning, it showed up again. She claims to have put it back in its grave at some point in the past 9 hours... but I'm not yet convinced. Note to self: do not let notoriously unreliable and creatively destructive* mothers touch your computer. Ever. *Especially* if she wants to "help".

* Definitely not an oxymoron.


glo said...

It may seem strange - but I have a strange fascination with your mother. She's on my list of people I'd love to observe in action one day.

Anonymous said...

I think you should reward yourself for the matricide-free visit with some silky camel (or camelly silk) from Stash. My parents left three weeks ago; I know whereof I speak.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Temptress. I have to go back to Cafe Crimson tomorrow morning (I forgot my house key there) and have been wondering whether I could somehow justify a little camel excursion. (The answer is no, no I really can't justify it, but you're not helping.)

Glo, I'm intrigued, and also... well, ashamed of myself. I think I bitch about her far too much and it's not only unfair but also deeply unattractive. (Naturally I place the highest value on being attractive.) My mother is a warm, well-meaning, incredibly generous individual. Unfortunately she's also a total nutcase, but she can't help that. It's very likely that you'd absolutely love her if you met her. Many people do.

TotallyUn-Pc said...
