Saturday, October 18, 2008

Smelly cat, sicky cat...

Harvey is Not Well.

He recently stopped eating his regular k/d (kidney diet) crunchies. Stopped. Completely. Starved himself for a few days (we did our best to tempt him with tuna etc until we could get him to the vet; naturally he chose the worst possible time) and lost a truly shocking amount of weight.

Now, those of you who've met Harvey are probably finding this hard to imagine. "What was there left to lose?" you are thinking. Well. Trust me on this. He got even skinnier. Also, he started hobbling around on wobbly old-man legs the way he did when we first adopted him - before getting him on the miracle k/d food and turning him into a real live cat, doing a good job of pretending to be healthy.

So the vet (who turned out to be a long-lost schoolfriend of Beloved's, as it happens) said he'd gotten hisself hopelessly dehydrated and needed to go on drip. He went into hospital. He stayed on drip for two days. (Jemima, meanwhile, wandered around the house looking a bit freaked out. She always knew there was a danger of not coming home from That Place.) Vet told me he was then doing sooo much better, totally ready to come home, he was eating tons (dry and wet food), enzymes were down (up? whichever is the good one when you're testing for kidney failure), all great. Harvey came home.

Harvey continued to refuse to eat dry food. Okay... we give him wet food. He's lapping that up, more or less (less, really, but doing pretty well for Harvey). But he's still limping around like a very old, sick man. His legs are all wobbly. He doesn't purr. And he's got diarrhoea. And the vet keeps saying ominous things like "it's a bit touch and go" and "there's not much point in giving him his shots now".

[Insert sad face here.]


jill said...

Oh! Poor Harvey! Poor you!

ThePurpleOwl said...

Awwwww no. :-(

(Harvey and Jemima are lovely furry-people names, though.)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

They are quite good names. Not from us - both were named when we got them, and I don't believe in renaming pets on adoption. (Although Harvey had already been through at least one adoption cycle, and was originally called Tyson, which didn't suit him At All, so it's a good thing that changed.)

Oddly enough, it's the second time I've had a cat called Jemima. Neither one named by me.

Beloved reckons Harvey is improving. We'll see.

extemporanea said...

aargh, so sorry to hear this. A sick cat is productive of the most dreadful feeling of helplessness. I hope he makes a miraculous recovery eftsoons and right speedily.

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, Robynn, I'm very sorry to hear your kitty is suffering. I hope he's getting extra doses of luuuurving and special time on the soft warm bed; I'm sure that will make him feel better in no time. Biiiig hugs.

Anonymous said...

What they all said--hope he's feeling better soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh noes! Not another of my adopted black and whites :(. I'm still sniffly about Rho. I had to put my Mischief down due to renal failure. I really really really hope he gets better, but should you have to make The Decision I wish you strength, it's not easy. Mine still haunts me.

Unknown said...

Poor Harvey! I'm holding thumbs for him :(