Friday, November 07, 2008

Goodbye Harvey.

My handsome boy got sick.

Then he seemed to be getting better. Then he got sicker again.

Turns out, he was only faking. He's been doing a pretty good impression of a healthy cat, but it was only an impression. Eventually, time came for his kidneys to pack it in entirely. So we took him off to the vet yesterday and sent him to that happy mouse hunting ground in the sky... or maybe, this being Harvey, to that giant cushy lap, where he is forever being hand-fed delicious terrine of free-range Patagonian mouse livers. Or something.

My lap will be a much colder place now.


Anonymous said...

Really sorry to hear that :(


firstfallen said...

Oh noes! I'd been meaning to ask how he was doing, but I was afraid of the answer :(.

I loved him and the world is a sadder place with fewer beautiful black and whites in it now. He was the whingiest cat in the whole world, but if lap-warming were an Olympic sport he would be Michael Phelps.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

He was indeed quite astonishingly whingy. But then he was really quite sick. I reckon he had a right to whinge.

jill said...

Oh, my dear - I am so sorry.

ThePurpleOwl said...

Oh, Scroob, I'm so sorry. Disco (my furry girl) and I send our love to you and Jemima and Armin. It's one of the ultimate acts of love, I think, being able to let your special ones go when the time is right.

x Owl

Anonymous said...

*big hug*
I'm glad he had such nice peoples to be with.

extemporanea said...

So sorry to hear that - horrible, necessary, kind, awful thing to have to do. I hope your lap warms up again eventually.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

*much love and hugs*

I shall miss the disengaging of the tiny claws when the old man offered catly cuddles. The elven butt shall remain un-hugged in future house-sitting ventures! This is all most upsetting.

Anonymous said...

I cried when I read your posts about Harvey-cat. I've never met his highness, but he looks like the most fluffiest, beautifullest kitty... I am deeply, deeply sorry you had to say goodbye to him, and send you lots and lots of hugs and a big bowl of hope-you-feel-better chocolates (never mind what tactless people say about diet and such-like at such an inappropriate time). Fortunately, your lap won't remain unwarmed for much longer, what with the sproglet imminently sprogging - so you'll have someone very happily lapping up all your love and mother instincts soon! :-) Big hugs...

Unknown said...

Poor Harvey. *hugs* He was a wonderful cat and had a happy life with you.