Tuesday, October 18, 2005

I may just have to break the habit of a lifetime

I have never actually followed a knitting pattern in my life. Well, I came close once, but ended up tweaking it significantly to please my whim. (My whim's remarkably fussy.)

But the Victorian section in the latest Vogue Knitting could have been designed just for me. I'd happily make and wear pretty much every one of those little beauties. In fact, that red coat looks remarkably like something that actually has been germinating in my brain for a while.

So maybe I'll see how I do at following patterns, rather than inventing my own. (Tweaking allowed.) I'm sure I could learn something in the process.

Ah, who'm I kidding? I may never get around to these. Oh, but I'd so like to...

Hours in the day, more of, must acquire.


Sarah Cate said...

That's a fabulous looking coat, for sure!

I've tagged you with a meme, Scroob. Don't you feel lucky?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh. This post ended up here? Silly me. It was meant for Twostix. I do try to spare you all the knitting stuff.

Memed, eh? Curses. I'll have to look into this.

glo said...

Good luck on following a pattern. Not something I expected from you, but it'll be a real growth experience. :)

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Quite. I'm all about the growth, me.

neena maiya (guyana gyal) said...

I've made a couple of things following patterns, and they looked soooo good. Have fun.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ah, it will take a while, though. If ever. I first have to:
Finish my mother-in-law's birthday present (Dec 12)
Finish my husband's birthday present (July 20 - that's right, this past July)
Make a friend a shawl as promised (should only take a week)
Make my dad a colourful pullover as promised

...and then I can think about knitting for myself. I have a lot of yarn in the stash that needs attending to, also. So I probably shouldn't go looking for new things. But, if I can find a way to use the existing yarn for, say, that lovely double-breasted coat...