Thursday, June 15, 2006

Don't worry, there's still plenty of silly

I give you: the Minty Fizzy Fountains of Wonder.* (Sound optional, but infinitely preferable.)

And in the "I don't believe my eyes" category, try this optical illusion. Unless you're colour blind. Then it probably won't work so much.

* Source, with more details.


ThePurpleOwl said...

I love it! Brings back memories (primary school again -- I think I'm regressing): a mouthful of sherbert bombs + diet coke = foaming out the nose, you know... but it's much more fun to watch than to be the one foaming.

*nostalgic sigh*

Sarah Cate said...

Ah, the internet is just full of wonders. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before and I'll say it again...

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Cunning indeed. The strawberries and mint weren't a giveaway at *all*.

I do wish I could take credit for at least some of that hilarious chatter, but that's the problem with having smart and witty friends; I am too quickly reduced to helpless giggles and complete failure to keep up. Note to self: get dumber friends.

X said...

Damn, did everyone have a barbecue this weekend?

We got my (vegetarian) dad a barbecue grill for Father's Day, and our first thought was that we had no meat to grill on it. My dad suggested that we use the cat that likes to sneak into our garden from next door. He was joking. I think.


ScroobiousScrivener said...

Huh. People were threatening to stone my cats - possibly because we have heaps of pebbles lying around and it seemed a bad idea to let them go to waste. So not only was this Official London Barbecue Weekend, it was Official Kill Cats weekend too.

Haloumi is a great vegetarian barbecue treat, btw. Try it.