Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Life isn't real till it's blogged

From a recent conversation at Chez Scroobious. This conversation was of a personal nature, so you'll have to use your imagination.*

BELOVED: [warm and intimate comment]
SCROOBIOUS: [rather less serious riposte]

[Thoughtful pause]

B: You are NOT blogging that.
S: Damn.

* Possibly scraping new depths of blogdom here: "insert your own content".


the Beep said...

Possibly, but quite clever nonetheless.

greg said...

I can't begin to count the number of entries in The Good, The Bad and The Ugly where someone ends the post with, "...and I knew that as soon as I could, I'd be posting this in bad_sex." If it takes just one person to make the tree falling real, imagine the increase in import if one million people view it. This would seem to be the blog impetus.

glo said...

It's a true phenomenon. I hate if I *can't* blog something. I feel out of sorts. Especially if it *belongs* to the blog.