Saturday, January 05, 2008

First hurdle. To fall or not to fall?

So of all my manymany Resolutions, the one I'm most excited about is this: Take Sundays Off.

No, really. That's a proper challenge, that is. Of course it goes hand in hand with other, more boring plans involving Proper Time Management and Discipline and all, so that I can take one day off once a week, without The Business going completely and utterly to pot. I also believe that if I know I'm going to have a whole day to myself once a week, it might be easier to knuckle down the rest of the time. And also, I do want to use that time - some of it, anyway - to do things that are Useful but not directly Work. Some of them might, arguably, become a sort of work. But never mind that right now. A whole day for knitting! Every week!

So tomorrow is the first Sunday of the new year. And while I did promise myself that I would not make this "day off" thing conditional on being up to date on my task list - because, well, who am I kidding - I none the less find myself in a bit of a bind.

This Friday, I launch The Yarn.*
On Monday, Beloved finishes photographing The Yarn.
By the time he has finished photographing The Yarn, he needs me to have done the boring technical task we call "Creating The Products". I was supposed to do this today. I'm only about 60% done.


Do I:

a) spend tomorrow morning Creating The Products in a frenzy of productivity, before switching off my pc and knitting the afternoon away?**

b) take tomorrow off as per Resolution (win!), but then spend Monday morning failing to Create The Products with any kind of speed on account of constant interruptions by posties, yarn styling duties etc, so that Beloved is unable to Upload The Pictures according to schedule, thus placing the entire Yarn Launch in peril, and also preventing me from achieving the other very important tasks on Monday's list?

c) Ooh! Oddly, this one only just occurred to me - work into the wee hours tonight so that neither of the above has to happen. Thus breaking another fine Resolution ("get to bed before midnight unless I'm out having proper fun somewhere, or at least getting paid for my time"), but what the hell.

I think we have a winner.

Edit: 2am. Done. I hope. Oh, nope, gotta do that price list... 5-minute job. Then bed. Tomorrow, knittin'. Yay!

* Over at The Shop, obviously. Not my own yarn. Other people's yarn, wot I am selling. Purty.
** For which, read: "spend tomorrow morning faffing around fretfully until I finally settle down to work just before lunchtime, stopping after half an hour for an extended lunch break, then returning to my desk to Create The Products, interrupting myself every 20 minutes or so to check blogs and Ravelry, and eventually finishing Creating The Products shortly before I have to go out to a knitting group in the evening, probably forgetting the price list for the samples I promised to bring?" Not that this is necessarily a representative description of a normal working day. Necessarily.


Anonymous said...

Ooooh...very excited about seeing the yarn :)

But don't stay up too late, otherwise you'll be too tired to enjoy your day off.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Well I can't guarantee that you'll see any of it over here - I generally keep all that stuff away from my non-knitty friends - but there's a sneak preview on my other blog.

So you knit, do you, Clair?