Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Things I am grumpy about

1. The heating's broken again. This is very inconvenient, and also boring. Having to sleep in three layers of clothing, plus two of socks and one of handwarmers, reminds me entirely too much of my boarding school days. Seriously, universe, cut it out. Make Boiler Go. (Make Plumber Work.)

2. I don't seem to be getting much done. This is a problem, and also depressing, as I have absolutely no excuse other than being useless. And, maybe, too cold to work properly. (You think temperature shouldn't affect productivity? Fine, you just carry on thinking that.)

3. We are completely and utterly failing to find a nice big house to live in. Househunting is tiresome, and yet another thing interfering with my productivity. It seems that, for our budget, we should be able to get what we want in the area we want. There just isn't much on the market. (Note to landladies: please don't tell your tenants the place is "beautiful" while you show it to them. Allow them to decide that for themselves. Otherwise you will end up feeling insulted when they are forced to explain that they'd rather pluck out their own eyeballs than live with your choice of furnishings and decor, and nobody wants that.)


Anonymous said...

I would send you some of our heat, but someone misplaced it. Today is cold, grey and rainy, and very humid. Cape Town seems to have been transported to Durban while I slept.

X said...

The heating's broken again.

I managed to score a massive three-storey student house to live in with five of my friends from university, and it's so big that we're scared of energy bills, so we don't keep the boiler on for long. Couple that with it being in the north of England, and you'll find that the temperature in my bedroom rarely rises above 14 degrees C.

Sometimes I turn on my desk lamp to keep warm.
