Monday, July 21, 2008

Creativity in unexpected places

I love spam. I may have mentioned this before. I hate spammers, especially those that "borrow" my email address to send their odious missives, but I am enormously entertained by spam itself. Spam is FUNNY. And it's getting funnier. I seem to be getting an awful lot of subject lines that combine two completely different attention triggers: (1) straight news (or the impression of same), and (2) hot chicks (famous if possible). Thus, today alone:
"Hot White Chick Dies in Tsunami" (which, to be fair, is a more honest version of a hell of a lot of natural disaster news coverage)
"Old Man Dies Inside Paris Hilton"

Funny! Right? Right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Old Man Dies Inside Paris Hilton"

Ewww. The mind boggles.

I prefer the random nonsense poetry subject lines. I've often opened the message just to read the random stuff.