Friday, December 30, 2005


Has Blogger gone nuts while I was away, or is it just me?

I've lost the ability to set time and date on posts. Plus, the BlogThis! button opens a new post window, but doesn't insert a link. Any thoughts on this? Anybody?


Bill C said...

It's not just you, though it's possible (and perhaps likely) Blogger waited until you left to slip in their abominable new "features."

Or maybe Blogger disabled setting post date-times because of my incredibly successful "post-dated" spamment trap. Since the trap controlled spamments and eliminated the need for word verification, maybe they felt embarrassed and decided to retaliate.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh yes! Thank you Gersh. Problem solved.

I 've been meaning to join the Blogger exodus, just as soon as I get around to it. (Fairly low on the list of Things To Do, after about a hundred regarding Purlescence.) In the meantime, though, would be nice if the thing worked.