Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Free advice

Here's a career tip. No charge.

If you are the kind of insecure, neurotic wussy who's inclined to wail "nobody loves me!" when your inbox stays empty for more than a few minutes;

if you obsess over your website stats and see every dip as a sure sign that your visitors have realised you're a waste of time and the end is nigh;

or if you have a tendency to spend hours on insanely detailed budgeting and cashflow forecasts, updated as often as new information comes in (i.e. every other day), and to seesaw between rapture and panic at the implications of these extremely dicey calculations:

DO NOT under any circumstances start an online retail business. It will drive you CRAZY.


Bill C said...

Suppose you're already crazy? Could it drive you sane? Not that I have my hopes up or anything.

wv: hiptpja. Belt-mounted tip jar. Used by-- well. I can see this going down a fairly lurid path. Never mind.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Not in a good way, Jam, not in a good way.

But I like the hiptpja.