Thursday, June 29, 2006

How comforting

So letting the conservatives win on a "poisonous" and annoying women's issue — abortion — would really be doing everyone a favour. Then the high-minded liberals could wash their hands of the whole embarrassing mess and focus on the interesting stuff like jobs, education and healthcare.

Meaning care of men's health, presumably.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since South Dakota recently made most types of abortion illegal, Harris, it's not surprising that it only has one abortion clinic. Won't things be just peachy when other states follow suit, and all those pro-choicers who are expected to 'step into the gap and help out such* women' fail because they just don't have the funding, the reach or the community support needed to overcome the (legalised) social stigma of abortion?

Oh, and Harris: Learn to write full sentences. Those little phrases masquerading as grown-up sentences aren't pithy and hip, they're silly and annoying.

* Just a hint of us-'n-them perhaps, Harris, old bean ?