Thursday, June 15, 2006

I hang my head in shame

Have I really posted only three times since the start of the month?

And we're now halfway through?


Now, a little market research. If my head is full of non-typical Scrivenings thoughts — thoughts to do with running a business when you are not a businessperson; thoughts to do with maybe almost changing the world, or at least my little world — and they're largely squeezing out the more trivial and entertaining stuff you come here for*, and I maybe want to write some of them down, if only to tidy my head up a bit...

Do you think I should put them safely out of the way in a specially designated blog box where they won't confuse you? Or should I babble on here, achieving the double whammy of boring you half the time when you want something silly, and the other half of the time, boring the potential wouldbe ontroppernures who might find something interesting in my less silly somethings?

I don't like compartmentalising, see. It didn't work so well for my knitting blog.** But I suspect it makes better sense.

* Maybe. Do you? I have no idea why you come here. All three of you.
** Of course now I have a new knitting blog, but that's different.


ThePurpleOwl said...

I had a teacher in primary school who used to say that having a tidy desk is the sign of a dangerously disordered mind. She always had a very messy desk.

Just sayin'. I have no idea what having a 'tidy head' would imply about the rest of you...

I come here to read what you have to write, whatever it is, and if not writing this stuff is making you not write, then I think you should write it. Some of it is sure to be interesting, and here seems as good a place as any to me. ;-)

greg said...

I treat my blog as mindspill space, so pretty much anything goes. I think you should do the same. It's more stimulating that way.

glo said...

Better here than not at all, IMO. We just like our Scroob in any flavor.

patroclus said...

Gawd, write it in here - I'm interested in the 'running a business while not being a business person' thing, very much so. In fact I'm interested in anything you have to say!

Bill C said...

"ontroppernures" - those new phonetic spell-checkers crack me up.

Sorry, not exactly on task, am I. As for boring vs. silly, I don't mind being surprised. I also don't mind finding my way to specially designated blog boxen, if that works better in your grand scheme.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Ok. Thank you all for your opinions; I shall proceed to endeavour to write more often, whatever the subject. There will probably not be designated boxen, unless I turn out to have a lot more to say on the boring stuff than I expect. I bet you can hardly contain yourselves, eh?