Saturday, November 08, 2008

Briefly interrupting pregnancy-free blogging to say

...lady, I realise that your intentions are honourable, but sending a slew of diet-and-exercise-for-pregnant-ladies and plus-sized-and-pregnant links - after commenting on how I am getting rather "round about the hips" - is really not the way to keep me away from the cookie jar, okay?


Sorry about that. The problem with limiting all sprog blogging to the sprog blog is that, well, the sprog blog is open to the public. Meaning, the in-laws. Meaning, the offending party.

Who just spent 2 weeks as our houseguest, doing most of the cooking, and doing it with vast - VAST - amounts of bacon and double cream, just by the way. Not that I'm complaining. Well, not about the cooking.


jill said...

Christ on a pogo stick - it's not enough that nonpregnant people are supposed to resemble stick insects - does the world think that pregnant ladies are only supposed to sport a discrete bump and otherwise resemble Kate Moss?

Condolences. People can be crap.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

She means well, really. But she's naturally petite (to say the least) and apparently a bit clueless. ("How much weight have you put on?" she asked in the middle of dinner with visiting cousins. Seriously, surely you don't have to have experience of being chubby to realise that this is a Bloody Rude Question?)


Still, as I calm down a little (chocolate biscuit in hand), I'm inclined to think she's just trying to be more involved. But. Still.

ThePurpleOwl said...

Oh, seriously. Doesn't she know you're soon not going to have two minutes to yourself to eat a decent meal?

*hands you another bikkie*

Schedule5 said...

You're *supposed* to put on weight. You need that extra for energy after the sprog is born. I think the weight question is a standard preggie one, though - not intended to be rude. Like rubbing a stranger's bump is not intended to be intrusive.

I keep telling people I'll join a gym when the baby goes to university. Until then, I'm going with "maternal" as a body concept!