Sunday, November 30, 2008

A SAD state of affairs

Y'know, I thought I was basically done with getting worn down by the miserable English winters, but apparently not. It's just so dark. And gloomy. And cold. And really there's nothing to be done in weather like this but hide under the duvet, right? Right. So it's not so much that I'm depressed, as just moochy, and struggling to get anything done. It does seem to be worse this year than usual... I blame hormones. Am so very jealous of everyone heading south for the winter. (Although when that results in Milo slabs for me, well, it's not so bad.)


extemporanea said...

Milo bars, then? Odd, but if it helps I can send a stash back with my mother in January, if you like, and she can bung them into the post for you. I feel that everyone should love winter as much as I do, and am prepared to be evangelical in the administration of chocolate in this cause.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Nothing odd about it! Crunchy. Milo-y. Yummy. Yes, they definitely are a Good Thing and something everyone should have in reliable supply. Your help would be appreciated. :-)

(In many cases I've gone all snobbish about chocolate and will touch nothing other than Hotel Chocolat/Leonidas/similar fresh treats or at *least* Green & Black's. But Milo bars are special.)

extemporanea said...

Then Milo bars you shall have. You may want to shunt me an email towards the end of December, in case I forget about it. My mum goes back to the UK on New Year's Day, and memory permitting, I shall make sure she carries a stash and your address.

X said...

There's an amazing South African shop in the underground-y bit of London Bridge station. When I'm in London I get all manner of nostalgic treats from there: Milo, Peppermint Crisp, Romany Creams, that sort of thing. I think they still sell some very decent biltong that I shall buy in copious amounts when I'm back down in London for Christmas.
