Saturday, August 12, 2006

August lament

So I left London a week ago. In summer. I went to Scotland, where summer was clearly over.*

Now I'm back and... hang on, summer's over in this city, too? Really? [looks at calendar] Are you serious? Isn't it traditional to give us until the bank holiday?

I mean, I like autumn and all. In its proper place. Its proper place not being about two scant months after spring. I feel I have done some time travelling and have accidentally misplaced the summer. Most distressing.

PS For the record, I have decided not to take the promotion. This feels inexpressibly weird, but I'm pretty sure it's the right choice.

* Note for Scots: it's not very comforting to tourists to hear "Oh, you should have been here last week, it was lovely. Only started raining this morning." Over and over.


Bill C said...

That Scot-to-tourist "comforting" commentary seems familiar. Do locals think such a statement somehow encourages or helps a visitor? Bah.

Sarah Cate said...

Och. Scotland is so beautiful.