Wednesday, August 30, 2006

The Scroobious Guide to Inner Peace

Today we are abusing the Scroobious Guide format somewhat, but work with me here. We are taking an Inner Journey to Harmony and Happiness.

This is the Way.*

1. Eliminate clutter. (Also known as the famed Chucking Shit Out technique.) Your guide is pleased to report that very recently, with the help of streetcar and directions to the local re-use** and recycling depot, piles of crap were removed from her space. Following on the happy disposal of the infamous pink leather sofas (plus scatter cushions, coffee table and random duvet), this engendered a most pleasing sense of lightness in the Scroobious home.

2. Eliminate chaos. Now that the crap is gone, further feng shui enhancement can be achieved by rearranging your space. That same streetcar experience took us to Ikea, and enabled all kinds of Shelving Wonders to take place.*** More lightness. Suddenly it seems so much more possible to actually get things done.

3. Eliminate commitments. A couple of days ago it dawned on me that I could give myself a truly marvellous gift: an Anti-Social September. Beyond this weekend (when I have two unavoidable prior engagements), I have vowed to ruthlessly turn down all invitations. This way I stand a chance of actually ticking off everything on my list, plus get to spend some quality time with my knitting and my Beloved! You cannot imagine how this pleases me.

So here I am, in a clean (mostly) and uncluttered (relatively) living space, with an (almost completely) clean and uncluttered month stretching out ahead.

Say it with me:


* It is possible that this particular route only works for fellow Scroobii, whoever they may be. Your mileage may vary.
** I cannot tell you how tickled I am that they only had to change one letter to rename a “refuse depot” something altogether more 21st century. Small things. Small, wordy things.
*** With comic relief provided by Beloved, who responded to my comment that I was (still) running short on space for knitting books with the suggestion that I “sell some”. Oh! The hilarity!


Rog said...

Perhaps the council recycled the "f" from "refuse" and used it in "point" in their literature.
ie "Recycling... there's no f in point".

Anonymous said...

I'm jealous.

So does that mean that you will be coming to our housewarming party on Saturday the 9th then?

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Sorry, no (see your email. Or possibly your Darling Wife's email. Which Anonymous are you?). I have taken a Vow to pursue Inner Peace. (The word "ruthlessly" was used.) I'm sure you understand.

I would like to point out that this vow was taken way before your party plans. I'm sorry, really.

glo said...

Finding the idea of a cleared calendar very enticing...domesticity in relaxation seems just the ticket.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

It's something of a guilty pleasure. I'm already feeling guilty over that abovementioned party. But you know, I could have just excused myself with "sorry, I'm working," and that would have been equally true.

I think we don't generally allow ourselves enough domestic time. Personally I seem to need a lot of quiet time, but it's really hard to turn down invitations just because you're feeling a bit Garbo. Allocating a whole month to yourself, though, advance permission to just say no... Ahhhhhh.

Anonymous said...

The anon was I, StrawberryFrog, and I know of no email.