Tuesday, August 29, 2006

SGScot: Appendix

My first Scroobious Guide* came naturally. Switzerland is a bizarre and beautiful place that I've come to know moderately well (parts of it, anyway), but I still feel alienated enough to poke fun at it. The second was much harder, because I know South Africa too well and love it too much to be funny on the subject. This one was also terribly difficult, for the opposite reason: I hardly know it at all, and I know that many of my readers** do.

So what to put in the Appendix? What cute and mildly crazy thing can I possibly highlight to wind up this patchy little virtual tour? What can I say about an entirely delightful, unpretentious country — of which I have seen only a tiny slice — that justly takes pride in its charming, even award-winning, attractions?

Oh. Yes.

* Actually, the first one was Hamburg, but that was really short and unstructured. Doesn't count.
** For a given value of "many", considering that I don't have "many" readers.


glo said...

Scotland? Switzerland?

No way.

That's got "Idaho" written between those lines. Any other "award winning donkey" land would be sub-par.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Idaho also has awardwinning donkeys?! What are they winning these awards for, exactly?