Monday, December 31, 2007

The joy of self-deception

Hurrah! It's New Year! My favourite time of year. I get to drink champagne and kid myself that I can do better. Cheers!

So in recent years I have experimented with Non-Resolution Resolutions. I have been all about "goal setting" and such. Last year, you may recollect, I decided that it could all be wrapped up in the simple mission statement: Get My Shit Together. Well, there's really only one word for my progress on that front.

But I'm a lady and I don't use words like that.

Taking kadekraan's advice, therefore, for 2008 I am subdividing my main goal ("Get My Shit Together") into smaller goals. ("Get My Shit Together Just a Little Bit", "Get My Shit Together a Bit More", "Get My Shit Together I Really Mean It This Time" and so on. Thanks for that, k. Very helpful.) As it happens, the result looks surprisingly like traditional resolutions: Get Healthy. Manage Stress. Do More Stuff.

Manage Stress and Get Healthy are quite closely interlinked; really I'd be hard pressed to say where one ends and the other begins, especially as I have vowed to never again make any stupid commitments like "get skinny". Instead, I have a selection of Noble Principles I shall be experimenting with, which I believe have the potential to Make Me Well, and also Happy. For instance:

Breakfast. It might not be the enemy after all.
Consider the possibility of actually consuming all the produce that arrives in your weekly organic box, rather than simply photographing it for supposedly humorous blogging purposes.*
Toast with humus: not actually bad for you, but not recommended for every meal.

I have my doubts about all of the above, but we'll give this whole Breakfast and Vitamins thing a fair chance.

Happy new arbitrary calendar demarcation! Huzzah!

* We had the world's longest parsnip this week. Glad you were spared?


Anonymous said...

My personal trainer (blush) gave me a nutrition plan, which (barring a few Christmas exceptions) I have followed more or less for the last month. Humus does not feature much. Today in Sainsbury's, I looked at the humus, and the humus looked at me, and I said "F*ck it. If I have to go to work to help settle a new toddler, I can d*mn well eat toast and humus for every meal if I want to. Tomorrow I will be better. And eat breakfast."

Lia said...

Parsnip is really good in soups.
Happy new year.