Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Because I haven't opened myself up to mass scorn for a while

I am more than usually anguished by my self-punishing peek at Television Without Pity. Seeing that Lorelai and Luke are actually shagging and America's Next Average Models are in Cape Town in this mystical future inhabited by US television watchers is triggering the kind of frustration normally reserved for remembering that Survivor and Days of Our Lives go on, but I CAN'T GET THEM on any channel I've found here in the UK.

Just as well, really. If I could actually watch Days, I don't think I could trust myself not to blog about it. And then my readers would all turn their backs in disgust. Forever.

Don't hate me because I have risible taste in couch potato fodder. Please.


Sarah Cate said...

I would so still watch Days of Our Lives - I was hooked, HOOKED I tell ya, back in high school - but it's on when I'm at work and I really don't want to be that person - the one who tapes a soap opera while she's at work. (Lament - I don't have Tivo.) I have enough TV addictions as it is.

Anonymous said...

When I was at college TV3 her ein Ireland used to show a few american soaps. My fav. was always Sunset Beach. It was so trashy and great

omar said...

I only recently got over my embarassment about my old soap opera obsession. Y&R, Bold and the Beautiful, AND One Life to Live. I used to tape all three daily. One time in college, there was a tape mix-up. I recorded over footage from my roomate's family reunion. That didn't go over well.

Anonymous said...

Ah! I've wanted Lorelai and Luke to get it on forever. (But wait, which season: did i miss the bit where they *did* get it on but are now not-getting-it-on, only toget it on again, or is this still coming up?) And what happened to Jason? I like Jason, and he's really nice. Luke is sexier, but still, Jason's nice. Actually, hang on, I WISH you hadn't just blogged that, for now my Sunday afternoons are spiralling toward a sad-break-up-but-new-romance-on-the-way-after-appropriate-mourning-period foreknowledge.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

I've been known to watch Bold and Sunset Beach. But none can hold a candle to Days for sheer outrageousness. Amnesia! Schizophrenia! Kidnappings and imprisonment! Impersonation! Baby-swapping! Demonic possession! And let us not forget the golden era of Eileen Davidson playing FIVE characters, one of whom was a man!