Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Staring into the abyss

Beloved has just called me with some bad - no, terrible - no, DEVASTATING - news. We're going to be offline for a bit longer than previously anticipated. Due to some missing mail (c'mon, people! Mercury isn't even retrograde!), shortage of technicians in the north-west area, woolly mammoths*, whatever, the good people who supply that miracle known as broadband will be keeping an impolite distance for, oh, 10 days, two weeks, who's counting?

ME, that's who. Desperate little ME. I'm not sure I remember how to manage my life without Google. How am I supposed to handle the traditional post-move Ikea trip without some serious pre-shop planning on the website? I wibble just thinking about it.

And please, for the love of all that's holy, do not mention the painful absence of email and [shudder] BLOGGING! Oh sweet blog, how I have come to love thee, in thy six short months of existence. You're the cutest half-year-old ever. And your lovely little friends, they delight me. They call to me. They keep me glued to my desk for far, far longer than is healthy.

The mature response to this situation might be to welcome the chance to break my 40-a-day habit (40 clicks, that is, not counting comments; well, on a bad day). After all, I won't be completely incommunicado. From Tuesday to Thursday I can abuse the company server to my addict's heart's content.

But then, I'm not very mature.

* A joke for three people. Or possibly none, since the mammoths appear to have wandered out of their usual terrain, where they nudge misbehaving adventurers back into line, and into the streets of London, where they are seriously getting in the way of some no doubt confused technicians.



greg said...

2 weeks! I know your pain. I was going a little stir-crazy while in SA. Only the ridiculously high cost of high street internet cafe access kept me from the ekyboard. And, even so, it was a pretty close call. At least here you have the Easyinternet option open.

virtualkathy said...

ergh, two weeks is looong. At the moment, even if I'm not getting online very often, at least I know it's there!
Good luck with the moving stuff, btw, and enjoy settling in - at least you'll have all that spare time to get the unpacking over and done with :]