Tuesday, September 20, 2005

To those who wait

After long periods of work and waiting and more work, some of the Good Things that have come to me in the past few days:

Time spent with Anonymous. It’s been too long. Side-effects of same: excessive calorie consumption*, excessive laughter, excessive shopping. Blisters.

Renewed conviction that if I’m to live on these benighted shores, it should be in Brighton. London is terribly exciting and all, but Brighton is Better. Like Sea Point without the mountain. More hippies, less models. And last time I looked, it was possible to leave Sea Point without a henna tattoo. You know what? I don’t even like Sea Point that much. But I do like Brighton. It’s as close as I’m going to get to Cape Town without leaving the UK. So, if Beloved could only get a job on the south coast…

Delivery of many excitingly large cardboard boxes from overseas. With equally large, but less exciting customs duties to be paid.

Delivery of one small cardboard box, containing free wine. We really do heart the internet. And may I point out, it’s a Cape winemaker who generously decided to give this “serious marketing disruption” thing a go. They make good people in the Cape**. As well as good wine. Yum***.

Now it’s back to the work for a bit. Sigh. But also, from this Friday, a week of holiday in Switzerland****! Yay!
* The good Anon having stuffed his tiny suitcase with Albany Double and Milo slabs. To non-Saffers: you just don’t know what you’re missing.
** They also make good people in the States, apparently. Who knew? [ducks flurry of cyberslaps from Yankee readers] Mr Gapingvoid not only came up with this bright idea, he made sure I got my bottle after the offer closed – my first mail having apparently disappeared in a cloud of binary wossname. So, good people all. (If you're curious about this peculiar booze-for-bloggers idea, there's tons more discussion on the blog and wiki. Makes for fascinating reading.)

*** That's a generalised "yum". Not a Stormhoek-specific yum. I haven't tried it yet, but I'll be sure to let you all know if the taste's as good as the tactic.
**** [coff] …meaning yet another blogging hiatus… brief, though. Brief.


omar said...


Switzerland! Sounds great! Say hi to Roger Federer for me.

Syar said...

Switzerland. coolies. so are you for henna tattoes? or against? cause I love those things.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Oh for, definitely for.

Switzerland very cool, indeed. Cunning of me to arrange Swiss in-laws, no? I've been to only the tiniest handful of countries, but I'm getting to know Confoederatio Helvetica remarkably well. Often for free. *smug grin*