Tuesday, August 29, 2006

SGScot: Travel tips

When to go:

Not in August.

I cannot emphasise this enough. By all accounts, September is delightful, and the autumn colours are fabulous later on, and winter is cosy and marvellous - plus there's skiing - and spring is beautiful, and July can be quite lovely. But August sucks. Summer's over (all five weeks of it) and all you have is rain. Torrents of rain. And wind. So stay away in August.

Although even if you do go in August, you're sure to have a lovely time. How could you not? It's a marvellous place. But you will wish you had experienced it under slightly better conditions.

What to bring:

Well, that rather depends on when you go, but I think it's safe to say that at any time of year, a good waterproof jacket and some solid boots will be required. Your little strappy sandals can probably stay at home. If you're travelling in July, and you're lucky, your swimsuit might get an outing; but don't count on it, and don't forget your warm woollens.

Cameras good. Midge repellent very good. Thermal underwear excellent.

Knitting essential.

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