Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Be patronising! For a pound!

So somebody needs to raise quite a lot of Poondz quite quickly for the sake of The Theatah and, you know, we like The Theatah, we think it is Good.

We also think that this is the most cleverest and also silliest Poondzraising idea we have come across in a goodly while, and we are big fans of clever silliness here at the Scrivenings, oh yes we are.

So you buy a word. For a single Poond. Nifty eh? You get to choose the word and everything. Brilliant. Being a Patron of the Arts was never this much fun.

You can buy more than one if you like. I did. I bought "everything" and "sunlight" and "splish", because they are happy sounding words. And then I bought "brains". Because, well. Braaaainnssss.

No, you can't have it, it's mine. I got there first.


TotallyUn-Pc said...

Can I buy Poonds? I Likes it!.... I likes it a lot!

ScroobiousScrivener said...

Sadly, I don't think the word Poondz actually features in the words available. Clearly a terrible oversight, and one that will cost them dearly.

Bill C said...

Did they sell you all their brains? Because I still see a few brain bits scattered around the page.

ScroobiousScrivener said...

No, I only bought one of 'em. You don't get each iteration, alas. Otherwise, to maximise value, you'd have to buy something like "the". I'm happy to leave some brains for others.